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Chakra Balancing

Helps to release fear, anxiety, guilt low self esteem, confusion, sadness.

  • 1 hour
  • 143 Canadian dollars
  • Humber Bay Shores, Etobicoke

Service Description

In this treatment, we will go through an initial assessment to identify which chakras may currently be blocked, under-active or over-active. Some treatments may focus on the 7 main chakras or very specific areas (root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, crown) Some reasons to have a chakra rest Root (stuck on the past, unable to make changes, fearful of uncertainty) Sacral (people pleasing, feeling guilty, womb healing, sexual addiction or avoids intimacy) Solar Plexus (has trouble saying no, setting boundaries, low self confidence, needs to be in constant control) Heart (grieving the loss of a relationship, self sabotaging healthy relationships, hates the idea of “falling in love”, un-emotional) Throat (has a hard time speaking up, unable to be fully expressive, “talks too much”, “talks to little” aka shy, nervous) Third Eye (over thinker, over analytical, unable to trust choices and intuition) Crown (feeling disconnected from self, often refuses help, skeptical about new things, does not receive but always gives) As a certified & experienced practitioner of this practice, I will also educate and guide you into your body awareness of what you are holding, resisting and overworking. The use of specific ethically sourced healing crystals and sound frequencies are also used to help stabilize and bring harmony to your body. A follow up email with guided prompts will be sent within 48 hours. This is important so you continue to do the work that is necessary while increasing your emotional and body awareness.

Cancellation Policy

A 50% cancellation Fee for less than 24 hours notice applies. A 100% payment fee applies to no shows on day off scheduled treatments. Please note that all outdoor events and classes are non-refundable.

Contact Details

  • Humber Bay Shores, Etobicoke, Toronto, ON, Canada

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